24 July 2013

Cetacean Quiz

The 20th July saw Kathy and I aboard the 'Cap Finistere' ferry heading for Santander and with most of the day in Biscay looking for birds and cetaceans. Not a sausage birdwise. However 8 species of cetaceans more than made up for the lack. Photography was challenging so only record shots of Common, Striped and Risso's Dolphins as well as 2 each of Long-finned Pilot Whale, Northern Bottlenose Whale, Fin Whale and Cuvier's Beaked Whale. (We also saw but were unable to get any shots of Bottlenose Dolphins.) The photos are below, I'll add captions at a later date. The underwater Dolphin is on its side, a typical piece of behaviour for this species, along with mad back flips and lots of splashing. This helps id. The breaching Whale is also demonstrating typical behaviour for this species. Good luck.

Male Cuvier's Beaked Whale

Cuvier's Beaked Whale breaching

Fin Whale

Striped Dolphin

Risso's Dolphin

Fin Whale

Long-finned Pilot Whale 

Common Dolphin

Northern Bottlenose Whale

Long-finned Pilot Whale

Northern Bottlenose Whale